Posted by Firdaus Khan on

Acne vulgaris is one of the most widespread dermatological diseases. This is a chronic skin disease that occurs as a result of inflammation and blockage of the sebaceous glands. It is characterized by the development of acne rashes on the skin of the face, back, and chest.

Inadequate treatment or its absence can lead to post-acne formation – the formation of deep scars, telangiectasias, and dyschromia, which are difficult to correct aesthetically.

Our team of specialists has spent a lot of time creating an effective mechanism for treating acne. Now we help people efficiently get rid of acne, making the skin healthy and beautiful.

Features of natural Algae Peeling ZENA

Algae Peeling ZENA is a natural peeling without chemicals! This 100% ORGANIC skin peel is suitable for men, women, ALL skin tones, ALL skin types!

We make this peeling from the highest-quality algae from ecologically clean lakes of Ukraine.

Algae contain natural microneedles that penetrate deep into the epidermal layer, stimulating the production of collagen and accelerating mitotic activity.

Effect of Algae Peeling ZENA is aligned with the natural processes of skin regeneration. By stimulating blood flow and providing necessary minerals, it accelerates healing and creates perfect skin.

Algae peeling for acne treatment

Natural peeling works after the first procedure. Microneedles penetrate deep under the skin, causing itching, tingling, and burning. To make regeneration faster, it’s vital to prepare the skin for the procedure carefully and take care of it afterward.

Remember safety measures! It is advisable to check the properties and effects of peeling before the first use. Apply a small amount to the inner bend of the elbow, and monitor the reaction for a few minutes. This test will help determine which peeling to do for the client: for 1 minute or for 10 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

We also recommend conducting a sensitivity test for other agents that will be used during the procedure. For allergy sufferers, it is necessary to conduct a test using the entire set of products.

Thanks to the natural components, there is no risk of burns, so Algae Peeling ZENA is safe for all skin types.
After the procedure, the upper layer of the skin will be exfoliated, and new skin will be formed: beautiful, radiant, and healthy.

The treatment of acne is an extremely pervasive problem, so we strongly advise adding Algae Peeling ZENA to your arsenal of products to make your customers happy and healthy!

MasksnMore are the official distributors and Trainers for Zena Cosmetic products. Get in touch to become a Zena treatment stockist. 

South Africa Zena Official Trainers

Kerserie Naidoo: +27 82 896 8818

Zaynah Cassim - +27 67 923 4383

Products are not available for re-distribution.

Selected products can be retailed for homecare.

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